Monday, December 03, 2007

It is time for the "Bonehead of the Month" award....

A comment from the ether...

"Pathetic. There are sooo soo many American children waiting for adoption and you go to China. Pathetic." - Anonymous

Sigh. Really? Seriously? Isn't opposing international adoption so early 2003? Isn't the Angelina backlash finished yet?

Okay... deep breath- this will probably not be the last time that I answer this, but it is just so frustrating.

So if you want the in depth response- read into the earlier posts in the blog - for the sarcastic one -read the next few lines.

So I am guessing that Anonymous (weak man- totally weak - have the marbles to actually sign your name) has 2-3 adopted American children of his/her own? Probably not. Good to know that "do as I say, not as I do" is alive and well on the Intertron.

If someone told us that we could have a healthy, infant child (and we are totally open to boy or girl of any race) that we would not have to worry about being reclaimed by a birthmom with a change of mind- we'd sign up for that in a second. In fact, we are trying to find that right now. But it is difficult to sign up for a process where we can actually have a child in our arms a few days after the birth, and then have to return them. Or, my personal fear, a birthmom writes a fake name on the birth certificate for the dad, and 2 years later tells the actual father about this and he comes after us for the now 2 year old child that we have to share custody with or give up all together.

The American adoption process has a lot of rights for the birth mom- and I totally support this, because these women are choosing life for their unborn children and giving the most unselfish gift of all. But, personally, I need to do what is right for my family and me. And I don't want to start a process that has no guaranteed outcome. And what is right for me also doesn't involve nasty anonymous drive by insults on a blog- but hey, that is just me. I guess the KKK chat room was down for the night. Nothing like some anger over adopting outside of "good old America". Yuk.


At 9:21 PM, Blogger Sheri said...

Yup - an utterly pathetic, uninformed, idiotic, and wimpy unsigned comment. EVERY child deserves a family, a home, parental love. The place of his/her birth is immaterial. Adoption is about building a family - and adoptive parents-to-be must thoroughly inspect their souls - and know their limits.

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Paula said...

You have to do what you feel in your heart is right. For us, domestic adoption has been great. If you get a good adoption attorney that knows the ropes they can avoid a lot of the problems you mentioned. But after its all said and done. We are not guaranteed anything.Children are a gift. God gives and God takes away. My sister's biological child died at the age of 8. She didn't think she would ever lose her child. But she did. I have a lot of friends who are waiting on China. Whether your child comes from across and ocean or an hour drive in a car. Either way is wonderful and a blessing.


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