Friday, November 30, 2007

Still here, and still waiting!

Chris and I are taking some time to do some research and look at other programs and we are considering the idea of starting another adoption while we wait for our China adoption. Lots of programs out there- a lot of uncertaintly and more unpredictable timelines, so anything else we do will require patience - but after 2.5 years of waiting, we're getting good at it.

This was an interesting article from MSN today talking about the state of international adoptions today.

Oh and a quick point of information based on a question from my last post... a private adoption would involve doing our own footwork to try and find a birthmother who is planning on giving up her child for adoption. It involves putting the word out, handing out letters introducing ourselves to everyone, taking out ads in the paper, etc. It is doing a domestic adoption on our own instead of through an agency. It gives you the illusion of more control and if you are a good networker, could have faster results. It is really scary because it could fall through, or a birth mom could change her name after we have the child. So we go back and forth about putting ourselves in this position.

Happy Holidays!

Ha- talk about boneheads! Instead of saying that it is scary because a domestic adoption from the US could have a birth mom change her mind.... I wrote that the birth mom could change her name. Whoops. :)


At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pathetic. There are sooo soo many American children waiting for adoption and you go to China. Pathetic.

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What an uninformed pile of ignorance. Why would you waste your time critiquing others when you could be adopting all of those American kids, Anonymous?

I applaud anyone willing to better the life of any child. I hope to GOD that you aren't perpetuating your bullshit onto your kids or anyone else for that matter.

Keep up the fight Made in China, there are plenty of informed people out here to back you up!


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