Monday, December 01, 2008

So things are starting... (wait, don't get excited- we just have gotten our first email about a birthmom - it is just another benchmark- no news yet)

So one part of the whole AAI program is that we get emails about possible adoption situations. If we say that we'd like to be considered, then the program director will send our file out for the birth mom to check out. She could easily say she doesn't like us, then we're back at the starting line again. So we got our first email in mid October. It was for a baby due on 12/19- which was a bit shocking. That wouldn't leave us much prep time. Not that we'd say no, but it just kicks things into high gear. Right now I'm still trying to figure out what else we need to do. I need a mattress, to zero in the type of stroller we need, pack and play, etc. I still need to replace the nasty carpet downstairs from construction traffic.

Molly has decided that the kid is coming in March. So, I guess we have about 4 months to go. Big phone interview with one of the agencies tomorrow am. 7:30 am on the West coast just so we can sync up with the Florida agency. Cross your fingers that we win them over and they are just dying to sell team Anderstein to all those birthmoms. :)


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