Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Made in the USA?

Chris and I have been learning all about independent adoption this winter.... and we've gone from excited to freaked out to terrified back to excited to..... stuck. We have recently updated our homestudy and have been talking with our social worker, Becky. Becky looked over our information and said, "Hey there Chris and Megan, since you said you are open to any race of child, have you looked at WACAP's African American Infant program?". So we did. And we got excited!

For some reason, I had initially crossed this off the list of programs to investigate because I thought the kids were older, but they are newborns- 3 months old. It is kind of like a private adoption, in that we will need to have a birthmother select us, and there is still a chance for a mom to back out. But in this kind of program, WACAP acts as our advocate and it seems to be less shaky. So, we send in our info today that we'd like to join this program as well as keep going with China. China seems to be struggling a bit these days (See "Olympic Torch riots" or "Tibetian protests") and there has been some new scandal today specifically with adoption that I was too sick to investigate further. We really hope this adoption still goes through. 3 years of planning for little Olivia has really caused me to become attached to this person who may not even exist yet. It would be really hard to let go of that. So we hope we don't anger China with this adoption, or the timing, or God knows what else.

So today starts a new chapter in our adoption pathway. We need to get jamming on creating a profile that makes us look like terrific potential parents. We already have a letter that is partially done, so we need to refine this. I know what I'll be doing this weekend. :)

So that is the news. Thanks for checking in, and we HOPE to have some good information to post in the coming months.



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