Monday, June 26, 2006

Greetings from Jury Duty!

I am doing my patriotic duty to sit in a giant room full of people waiting to be chosen for juries. I am at the downtown Seattle courthouse, which is thankfully air conditioned in our little heat wave we're having. You will probably see a few more posts as I finally have the time to sit here and blog.

Interesting news from China this morning. Up until now, Chinese women have been unable to find out the sex of their children in sonograms because sex-selective abortions were illegal. They can have them to see how the baby is doing, but the doctor is not allowed to tell them the sex of the baby, because it could cause them to terminate the pregnancy if it is a female. This made sonogram machines very popular on the black market.

It seems that Chinese lawmakers have been trying to help the population imbalance- where it is currently at 119 males for every 100 females by having this law with a 3 year jail sentence if someone is found to abort a baby because it is a female. But the conflict this decision is trying to address is the rights of the Chinese women who want to find out what they are having.

This will be very interesting to watch over the next few years. We know that China has been trying to reduce the numbers of orphans in their country, I guess this is one way to do it. (Avoiding inserting judging statement here.)

Day Two (update)

Still in jury duty. Got called to a case yesterday but was dismissed- thankfully. It was a horrific crime and I am VERY glad I didn't have to sit and listen to the details of the testimony. This is a really interesting process and I hope I do get picked to be on a jury so I can see this process through!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Intelligent Design of Jenny Chow

Today Chris and I went to see a play at the Seattle Bathhouse Theater. The play was all about a brilliant adopted girl from China with agoraphobia who designs a robot to travel to China to find her birth parents. Still with me? It was a great play and it was well acted and directed. It actually kept Chris awake the entire time! It had some startlingly brutal scenes between Jennifer and her mother about finding her "real mom". It definitely made me flash forward to the inevitability of these scenes in our family in 10 years or so. One thing I keep hearing from WACAP and the adoptive parents on the yahoo groups is about keeping the subject of adoption open with our child. It seems the kids that have the hardest time dealing with this subject are the ones that aren't allowed to grieve for their birthparents and have honest conversations with their adoptive parents. There are quite a few books on the subject and more classes to take. It is a good thing I have all this time! :-)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

One day closer...

We got an email from our agency to say that they received word from the CCAA that our log in date is actually May 16th, not the 17th. Why they changed it, we don't know. Every little bit counts I guess!