Thursday, May 22, 2008

This could have been us...

Today on King 5 news, a story was shared about a pregnant young waitress who was offended to receive a card from a couple that left a card in their restaurant bill that stated they were seeking a child to adopt. The woman was offended that the couple seemed to think that her baby was up for grabs because she wasn't wearing a wedding ring, and was working as a waitress. The film crew taped the woman and her husband at home saying they were horribly offended. The reporter called the numbers on the card, that instructed to ask for Joan at the lawyers office (aka chris and my lawyers' office). The reporter explained that there is no Joan, that is just a code word that alerts the lawyer's office that this is a potential birth mother calling in. The potential adoptive parents were not answering any of the reporter's phone calls.

This so easily could have been us. And I really feel for the couple that is being portrayed as greedy, rude and judgemental people. Our lawyer has told us that those who tell everyone they know- strangers even- have a better chance of finding a birth mother who could match with them. All the stories that we hear that are successful begin with "a friend of a friend of a neighbor who told someone we were adopting met this women who...." it is all about networking and word of mouth. So this couple left a note saying they were looking for a child for this waitress. They probably gave a note to the teenage boy who parked their car, the woman who rang them up at the grocery store that day and the person who bagged their groceries. The note does not say "Hi, I see you are pregnant, and you probably don't want that". The note said, "we are looking to become adoptive parents. If you have any information please contact us at...".

Adopting is hard. And I really feel for anyone who has gone through this heartbreaking process (either creating an adoption plan for your child, or for going through the long roller coaster process of seeking a child to adopt). I wish others knew what it was like to walk in our shoes and see that things may not be what they seem. I hope that the potential adoptive parents speak up and tell their story on the news, but they have been through so much already, I would totally understand why they would not want to go through one more tribulation in this journey. I wish them all the luck in the world.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


.... is the number of Jolie-Pitt children that have either been conceived or adopted since Chris and I started trying to have children. Sigh.