No news is..... no news.......
Nothing from China for the last few months.... other than press about how awesome the Olympics will be. Forgive me, but I cannot get excited about this event at all. It may be incorrect, but I see it as one huge roadblock to this adoption, and that everything is slowing down because of it. I probably am wrong, but I do enjoy having something to point at when someone asks me what is going on....
Chris and I did have an exciting meeting with an independent adoption lawyer. The purpose was to rule out once and for all the idea of one day doing a private adoption. Well, it did just the opposite. We really loved the lawyer, Albert Lirhus, who talked with us for an hour longer than the "free no commitment session" we signed up for. It gave us some food for thought, and we'll wait a few more months to do a bit of a pulse check with WACAP to see how things are looking for China. They did give us the permission to look at other programs- with the warning that we could accidentally anger the China program by looking elsewhere that would result in us getting tossed out. So we are just collecting research for now. We'll let you know if any big decisions are made.
Hope all is well with the Made in China audience- have a good day!
Megan and Chris