Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Changes with the CCAA

There have been rumors rumbling for a few months, but the official new rules have been issued by the CCAA. They have made the requirements much stricter, and on the yahoo group today, there were many people mourning the fact that these requirements now make them ineligible to adopt from China. They have until May 1st to get a dossier logged in to squeak by with the old rules.

Here are some of the changes:

Couples must be married more than two years with no previous divorces. If previously divorced, the couple must be married at least 5 years. Couples with three or more divorces each are not eligible to adopt.

* Preference to married applicants over single applicants. (and with the current number of dossiers logged in, that pretty much means that no singles will be allowed to adopt anymore)

* The age for both parents should be between 30~50. If adopting a Waiting Child, the age of the parents should be between 30~55 if they adopt WC.

* Good health. No history of depression or anxiety within the last two years. Applicants that are hearing impaired are eligible for waiting children with similar medical issues.

* No criminal history.

* Body Mass Index (BMI) should be below 40.

* The income per family member (including the adopted child) must be $10,000.00 with a net worth of $80,000.00 or greater.

* Education level of high school or higher.

* The number of children currently living in the home under the age of 18 is less than 5 including the adopted child. This may not be a restriction if the family wants to adopt a Waiting Child.

We are lucky that the requirements won't affect us, so maybe we will be able to adopt 2 children from China, which is our hope.

P.S. This won't move us up in line though. It takes effect as of May 1st 2007, so right now people who will be disqualified are now trying to hurry their paperwork in so they will be grandfathered in. The line will be shotter next time though... it seems this bumps out 50% of those who responded to a survey on the Rumor Queen! Wow!