Monday, October 30, 2006

No news news.

Chris and I have hit the 5 month point in our waiting game. We're not much closer to knowing when this wait will end. Every day people ask us what we hear...well we don't hear anything. We get a weekly update from our adoption agency that tells us how many dossiers they sent to China this week and how many people are heading over there this week. So that would be a big fat zero. Meanwhile out on the Internet- the rumor mill keeps on turning. Here is just a snipit of the kind of rumors that we can hear hour to hour at the Rumor Queen website:

Here is an entry from today:

Two agencies are now insinuating that we may be weeks away from seeing TA’s and referrals.
The agencies either do not know why or are not saying.

Then here is an entry from yesterday:

If orphanages went full speed ahead on making babies paper ready after the April meeting, we could potentially see a big month this month (May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct - that’s six months). I had hoped to see an increase in September since they occasionally refer babies that are only five months into the process since six months will have passed before the family travels. I don’t know what it means that we did not see a slight increase in September’s numbers (and we did not, September was one match different than July). It could mean the theory is all wet, it could just mean that the CCAA is not going to refer them until the full six months have passed.

It is like the (lack of) information changes hourly. Your hopes go up, then back down. Ugh.

At least there are happier things going on today! The family from "Do they have salsa in China?" - see previous entry- are in China right now with their twin girls. It has been fun to read about.

In other news... in order to keep myself busy, I have taken a job with the school district as their secondary science specialist. This has kept me on my toes and the best part is that it has me working with my friends again. I have learned all about crayfish maintenance and I get to teach 6th grade teachers how to handle Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. I worked with them at the Pacific Science Center 10 years ago... they were creepy then, they are creepy now.

Chris' book is almost done... we are hoping in a few short weeks he'll be able to finish the final review and then he will get his free time back. We have had a good fall though, so far. We spent last weekend at the Lake Quinault Lodge- and went out on a nice little hike through the woods and enjoyed the fall colors. This completed my "FDR-apalooza" where I happened to stay in 4 places this summer that proclaimed that "FDR slept here". He has good taste!