Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bad news from China...

We got a call from the adoption agency saying that our dossier got lost on the way to China because the label fell off and they had to send someone to China to track it down. The person located the package (that contained 8 other families' (( I have no idea how to punctuate the plural possessive of families and am too mad to look it up)) dossiers) in the Beijing post office. And so the adoption agency rep hand carries it to CCAA. And so this means that instead of logging things in during the first week of April, it may now not be logged in until the end of May, end of June. So that could mean an extra 2-6 months on our wait. Perfect. Just great. I think I'm in shock and also pretty angry. Chris is planning on calling China to talk with someone. That should work out pretty well, they are pretty reasonable, right?

Submitting the dossier was a really big deal for me. I had impatiently waited for them to send it off to China every day after we submitted it and I told all my students about it, and celebrated by bringing them treats. And knowing that we are now not 2 months into a 12 month wait, but 2 months into a 14-18 month wait makes me feel realy helpless.

I need to find some hobbies for next year..... soon!


At 5:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bright side Megan is that it at least got there.


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